par Emmanuel Stanleys | Août 30, 2021 | Widows & orphans movement
HOW IT BEGAN On July 28th, 2021 SFC traveled north to Bolgatanga to meet our baobab oil suppliers, the Widows and Orphans Movement and their social enterprise, Attarah. We met with the Executive Director, Fati Abigail Abdulai and her team to learn more about WOM’s...
par Emmanuel Stanleys | Fév 21, 2021 | What's New?
On Thursday January 28th, 2021, SFC staff traveled to the remote community of Murugu located near the Eastern border of Mole National Park to hand over a brand-new organic shea butter processing center. The recipients of the processing center are women who belong to...
par Emmanuel Stanleys | Fév 5, 2021 | What's New?
A sneak peak inside the daily life of one of The Savannah Fruits Company’s cooperative women during rainy season, when shea nuts are collected from the savannah wilderness. If your organization is interested in partnering with us to increase the positive social...
par Emmanuel Stanleys | Mai 31, 2019 | Audit, Compliance, Responsible Sourcing, Sustainability
SFC is happy to have complied with Unilever’s URSA (Understanding Responsible Sourcing Audit). This audit requires an independent assessment of a supplier’s performance and compliance against all applicable laws and regulations as well as additional requirements of...
par Emmanuel Stanleys | Mai 14, 2019 | Events, Sheabutter, Sustainability
SFC was invited by the Ambassador of Japan on 29th April, 2020 to celebrate the commissioning of a new Shea Butter processing center at Kpugi in the Gushegu district of Northern Region of Ghana. As the Government of Japan funded this initiative of building this...
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